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Tag Archives: sd

What To Wear for Your Headshot Session

Headshots are about you and what you represent. Whether you’re updating your LinkedIn profile, launching a website, or getting a headshot for your new role at a new company, your headshot is often the first impression you make on potential clients, employers, or collaborators. While your smile and demeanor play a huge role in conveying...

8 Ways to Use Personal Branding Photography

Your session is done, you have your brand photos back, you’re so excited. Now what? Here are a few examples of places to use your brand photos. 1. Website: make your website memorable by showing your face and what you do! 2. Blog posts: what a great way to use your beautiful imagery to help...

How to Prep for Your Brand Session

A branding session can be a great way to showcase your brand and connect with your audience. There are several things you can do to ensure that your branding session runs smoothly and you get the most out of it. Here are some tips for how to prepare for a branding session: 4. Look camera...

Ideal Tent & Events | Sioux Falls, SD Brand Photography

I loved working with Ideal Tent and Events on their branding session that included headshots, lifestyle images, and product images.  Ideal was in the process of revamping their website and they needed high-quality images that showcased their brand and products as well as images for a cohesive social media presence.  We started the session with...

What Sara Said | Sioux Falls, SD Brand Photography

When Sara reached out to me about doing photos for her new podcast, Copywriter on Call, I was beyond thrilled. I have loved watching Sara’s business, What Sara Said, grow and am glad to call her a friend. We met before the session to talk through her goals, figure out location, and figure out different...

Props for Brand Sessions: Add Visuals to Tell Your Story

Props can be a great way to add some personality and visual interest to a branding session. Bringing the right props can help communicate your brand message and showcase your unique style. Here are some tips for what props I recommend bringing to a branding session: 1. Think about your brand message: When choosing props,...

7 Outfit Tips for a Cohesive Brand Session

Let’s talk about what to wear when it comes to your branding session. The clothes you wear can help convey your brand message and show off your personal style. Outfits can be a big part of your brand session. Here are some tips to help you out: 1. Think about the message you want to...

Sophia | Sioux Falls, SD Senior Photography

Sophia’s senior session was filled with fun, laughter, and great conversation. She trusted me to make magic with her portraits and between the beautiful locations we chose and her outfits, we were able to help her personality shine in her pictures.