Why I Import Photos Right Away – Nicole Marie Photography

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Why I Import Photos Right Away

Today I am talking about why I import images from weddings and sessions right away. There are two big reasons for me:

1. Backup

One thing that is always on my mind when I finish a session or wedding is “how can I make sure I do not lose these images?” My first thing I do is import my photos onto my computer and backup drive the minute I get home. Having the peace of mind that the pictures are in multiple places is a big win. Another way I make sure these photos are safe: I also typically put my memory cards in my car so if my house burns down, I still have it.

2. Opportunity

When I am not in the mood to work, having additional obstacles, such as importing photos onto my computer/backup drive, definitely makes me think again. Having the images already copied and in my Lightroom catalog means when I am ready to work on the photos, they are ready for me. As a person who sometimes gets overwhelmed with lots of small tasks, this is a great way to overcome that overwhelmtion (no, it’s not a real word but it is in my mind) and give myself the opportunity to get more work done.

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