Find an editor that has a good process and that you mesh with. Need a place to start looking? The Outsource Bar is a great directory or contact me and let’s see if we are a good fit! An editor is a relationship; find someone you can talk to and who understands the adjustments you want to make to get it all the way to your unique style.
Edit one photo in each lighting scenario to still have control of your galleries (anchor images). A picture is worth a thousand words. Editing just one photo from a unique lighting situation gives so much information to your editor about exactly what you envision for those photos and keeps you in the creative driver seat.
Build a long-term working relationship through good feedback, reasonable expectations, and patience. A great editor will not magically nail everything you could ever hope for in the first gallery. A good working relationship takes some time to develop. But remember, outsourcing can give you back days and weeks worth of your life over the long run. A little patience on the front end is worth it.
Adjust your pricing. Think about it this way, if hiring an editor seems completely out of reach financially, it probably means you have been underpaying yourself this whole time. After all, up till now, you were essentially paying yourself to be the editor, and apparently, you were paying yourself pennies on the dollar. So, correct your pricing to account for all the work involved in delivering those gorgeous images. Each situation will be different.
If you want help thinking about your pricing, contact Nicole for a free consultation.